Nice Cream: a Vegan Favorite

More and more vegans and people trying to cut down on dairy are keeping bananas in their freezer – all you have to do is blend them up, and add whatever flavourings you like.

The natural sugars in the bananas make it sweet, and their creamy but neutral flavour makes them a perfect carrier for cocoa, berries, or whatever flavours you wish to add. For a dose of good fats to go with your potassium, you can add a mashed avocado to the mix.

It\’s also great for your wallet – blackened, overripe bananas blend best, and taste sweetest in this recipe.

Possible variations:

Add cocoa nibs and mint for a mint chocolate chip nice-cream

Add frozen berries for a berry nice-cream with a great ruby red colour

Add matcha powder for green tea nice-cream

Add peanut butter and then mix through blueberries at the end for a peanut butter and jam nice-cream.

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