Ways to Accidentally Exercise

\”Accidental exercise\” is a popular trend at the moment; parking your car further away so you have to walk, taking the stairs. Here\’s some of our favorite ways to exercise without really thinking about it.

When you\’re watering the garden, use a watering can instead of a hose. It allows you to add seaweed solution and other good, natural fertilisers to your water, and every time you lug nine kilos of water over to your veggie patch, you\’re walking AND lifting weights at the same time.

When you go shopping, do a full lap of the supermarket before you begin your shopping, and once at the end; same with the mall. It\’ll allow you to spot deals and think about what you really want/need to buy, as well as adding a significant amount of steps to your day.

If you\’re picking something up that\’s less than fifteen minutes to half an hour away on foot and it\’s safe to do so in your neighbourhood, walk rather than driving or catching the train/tram. If you put your headphones in with some good music or an audiobook, the walk will fly by and it\’ll give you a chance to really appreciate your surroundings.

In essence: cut out the shortcuts, whether it\’s using a remote rather than a switch, or jumping in the car rather than using your feet.

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